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Hotel pictures 3
Smy Santa Eulalia Algarve
Estrada de Sta. Eulália Lot 5 3- Areias de São João - 8200 - 260 Albufeira Portugal
500 m from the beach | See map
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Smy Santa Eulalia Algarve

Estrada de Sta. Eulália Lot 5 3- Areias de São João - 8200 - 260 Albufeira Portugal
500 m from the beach | See map
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  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Hairdryer
Located in a quiet area. In the heart of the Algarve, it is perfect for those who want to get to know the area. The nearest beach of Oura and the liveliest areas of Albufeira can be reached on foot. The location is undoubtedly one of the values most appreciated by our clients.
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Smy Kos Beach & Splash
Mastichari Kos Island, Dodecanese – 85302 Greece
Beachfront | See map
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Smy Kos Beach & Splash

Mastichari Kos Island, Dodecanese – 85302 Greece
Beachfront | See map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Hairdryer
The Smy Kos Beach & Splash is a paradise for family holidays. Located right on the seafront, a long beach of white sand with more than 10 kilometres for long walks. The hotel has an exclusive private beach area for guests with towels, loungers and parasols.
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Smy Lisboa
Rua da Artilharia 1 nº112, 1070-015 Lisbon, Portugal
2.3 km from the centre | See map
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Smy Lisboa

Rua da Artilharia 1 nº112, 1070-015 Lisbon, Portugal
2.3 km from the centre | See map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Hairdryer
Located 900 meters from Marqués Pombal Square, the heart of Lisbon. The hotel is located in front of Eduardo VII Park, a pleasant area for walking, with events and fairs in the surroundings, such as the Christmas Fair or the Book Fair.
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Smy Carlos V Wellness & Spa Alghero
Lungomare Valencia, 24 – 07041 Alghero (SS) – Italy
250m from the beach | See map
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Smy Carlos V Wellness & Spa Alghero

Lungomare Valencia, 24 – 07041 Alghero (SS) – Italy
250m from the beach | See map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Hairdryer
Modern hotel, recently renovated with noble materials, perfect to enjoy holidays with your partner or family and ideal for lovers of spa treatments. It is located in front of the beautiful bay of Alghero and very close to the historic center, which is reached by a short and beautiful walk.
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Smy Hotel Avenue Louise Bruxelles
Rue Blanche 4, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
1.9 km from the centre | See map
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Smy Hotel Avenue Louise Bruxelles

Rue Blanche 4, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
1.9 km from the centre | See map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Hairdryer
Stay in the heart of commerce and business in the Belgian capital at Hotel Avenue Louise Brussels, Trademark Collection by Wyndham. Just 10 miles from Brussels Airport (BRU) and steps from a metro station, the convenient location is minutes from the shops of Avenue Louise, the historic Grand-Place and the famous Manneken Pis statue.
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Smy Bologna Centrale
Viale Angelo Masini, 4/3, 40126 Bologna BO, Italy
1.2 km from the centre | See map
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Smy Bologna Centrale

Viale Angelo Masini, 4/3, 40126 Bologna BO, Italy
1.2 km from the centre | See map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Hairdryer
Its privileged location, just 150m from the central train and bus station and a few meters from some of the main attractions of the city, such as the Neptune fountain; allows guests to enjoy the tranquility and peace of this Italian city.
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Smy Mediterranean White Santorini
Agia Paraskevi, Kamari, 84700, Santorini Greece
250 m from the beach | See map
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Smy Mediterranean White Santorini

Agia Paraskevi, Kamari, 84700, Santorini Greece
250 m from the beach | See map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Hairdryer
Located in the northeastern part of the island, only 250 meters from the beach. The hotel is only 3 km from the bustling resort of Kamari, home to a variety of bars and restaurants and only 8 km from the busy center of Fira, with views of the caldera and volcanic islands.
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Smy Aran Blu Roma Mare
Lungomare Duca degli Abruzzi, 72, 00121, Lido di Ostia RM, Italy
Beachfront | See map
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Smy Aran Blu Roma Mare

Lungomare Duca degli Abruzzi, 72, 00121, Lido di Ostia RM, Italy
Beachfront | See map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Hairdryer
It is located on the seafront. The rooms have privileged views of the Ostia coast. A stone's throw from the tourist port of Ostia and 10km from the Leonardo da Vinci International Airport of Fiumicino
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Smy Hotel Orizontes Santorini
Pyrgos Kallistisi, 84700, Santorini Greece
0.7 km from the centre | See map
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Smy Hotel Orizontes Santorini

Pyrgos Kallistisi, 84700, Santorini Greece
0.7 km from the centre | See map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Hairdryer
In Latin "Horizon" is defined as "the line where the surface of the earth and the sky meet". Those are the exact words to describe the views of the hotel and the incredible Santorini skyline, stretching as far as the eye can see.
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Smy Koflerhof Wellness & Spa Dolomiti
Via di Valle d’Anterselva, 20 - 39030 Bolzano, Italia
0.7 km from the centre | See map
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Smy Koflerhof Wellness & Spa Dolomiti

Via di Valle d’Anterselva, 20 - 39030 Bolzano, Italia
0.7 km from the centre | See map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Hairdryer
It is perfect for skiing in winter, as it is located just a few minutes from Plan de Corones: guaranteed snow. Even better to enjoy a vacation in summer. It is located just 10 minutes from Anterselva lake, 30 from Braies lake and 1 hour from Tre Cime, one of the most beautiful alpine excursions, an emblem of the Dolomites, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
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Smy Mykonos Suites & Villas (ex Greco Philia)
Elia Beach, Mykonos, Mykonos 846 00, Greece
Beachfront | See map
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Smy Mykonos Suites & Villas (ex Greco Philia)

Elia Beach, Mykonos, Mykonos 846 00, Greece
Beachfront | See map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Hairdryer
Perched on a cliff overlooking the clear waters of the Aegean Sea, Smy Mykonos Suites & Villas***** is the perfect luxury retreat for laid back vacation. Withuninterrupted sea views from all angles and great common areas, our guests will enjoy our pool, cocktail bar and the panoramic restaurant with a stunning view over Elia Beach, one of the most famous beaches of Mykonos.
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Smy Santorini Suites & Villas
Pyrgos Kallistis, 84700, Santorini, Greece
250 m from the centre | See map
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Smy Santorini Suites & Villas

Pyrgos Kallistis, 84700, Santorini, Greece
250 m from the centre | See map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Hairdryer
It enjoys a privileged position that allows every traveler to enjoy panoramic views of the famous Caldera, which stretches from the Akrotiri lighthouse to the famous Oia town. Only a few minutes walk from the center of Pyrgos, where exploring the settlement and its traditional alleys that lead the traveler to the highest point of the castle, offers fantastic views of Santor.
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Smy Tahona Fuerteventura
C/ Mayor Marcial Sánchez Velázquez, 17, 35610 Castillo, Caleta de Fuste. Fuerteventura, Las Palmas
400 m from the beach | See map
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Smy Tahona Fuerteventura

C/ Mayor Marcial Sánchez Velázquez, 17, 35610 Castillo, Caleta de Fuste. Fuerteventura, Las Palmas
400 m from the beach | See map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Hairdryer
Located in Caleta de Fuste, 600 meters from El Castillo beach and 8 km from El Matorral airport. Its location provides privileged access to the main attractions of the island. In addition, the island is known as "Europe's beach" for its more than 150 kilometers of white sand beach and turquoise blue waters.